Acuerdo de colaboración con el Real Jardín Botánico Atlántico de Gijón
Acuerdo de colaboración con el Real Jardín Botánico Atlántico de Gijón
Semillas Silvestres S.L.
Gloria López
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Long title
- Protocols
- Seed mixes
- Value chains
- Other
Summary (500 words)
El 3 de marzo de 2023 se firmó el acuerdo de colaboración entre Semillas Silvestres S.L., el Jardín Botánico Atlántico y el INIAV.
Detailed content
La creación de cadenas de valor basadas en el uso sostenible de las semillas nativas, representa un reto importante en España, dada la dificultad de implicar a los posibles miembros por sus variados intereses, poco interés de los potenciales implicados del sector en nuestro país, y en suma incipiente desarrollo de la producción de semillas nativas en comparación con otros países de nuestro entorno europeo.
Los prados de siega son agroecosistemas mantenidos por la acción secular del hombre, indispensables para la producción forrajera extensiva y el mantenimiento del paisaje rural europeo. En las áreas de montaña del Norte ibérico todavía pervive un manejo extensivo tradicional que combina el pastoreo durante otoño y primavera, con la siega en verano, mientras el ganado se desplaza a los ricos pastos de alta montaña. Sin embargo, sus superficies se están reduciendo drásticamente en esta área, debido principalmente a su conversión en pastizales, o simplemente su abandono y posterior transformación en bosques y zonas de matorral.
Análisis específicos llevados a cabo dentro del proyecto europeo Interreg SOS Praderas en varias zonas piloto de montaña del noroeste ibérico indican una reducción de las superficies en torno al 68% dentro del Parque Nacional de Picos de Europa, al 31 % en el LIC Río Ésera en el Pirineo aragonés y al 10% en los Parques Naturales portugueses de Alvão y Montesinho/Nogueira entre 1956 y 2017. Tales cambios en la superficie y distribución de estos sistemas reducen el suministro de ciertos servicios ecosistémicos estratégicos para nuestra sociedad y demandan atención para su conservación mediante métodos modernos de producción de sus semillas y recuperación de sus composiciones florísticas originales.
Uno de los aspectos más críticos y autentico cuello de botella en la conservación y recuperación de los prados de siega ibéricos es la disponibilidad de las semillas adecuadas para las siembras y el respeto de su composición florística y origen genético para cada área.
Las dificultades para la recolección y procesado de mezclas de semillas en cantidades y calidades adecuadas mediante la producción directa en los prados de siega, ha hecho necesario explorar otros métodos alternativos de producción de las especies para estas mezclas.
Entre estas alternativas, está la producción de las semillas mediante cultivo monoespecífico en campos agrícolas y la recolección masiva de biomasa de prados, para su posterior procesado y selección de las semillas.
Las semillas recolectadas en SOS PRADERAS, fueron conservadas en los BG de Portugal INIAV (BGVP) en la Estación Experimental de Oeiras (Portugal) y de Semillas Silvestres© en Córdoba. Una representación de estas especies han sido utilizadas para, bajo los términos del presente acuerdo con los responsables de ambas entidades, representar el inicio de la multiplicación de las especies más importantes de los prados de siega en el JBA.
Los prados de siega son agroecosistemas mantenidos por la acción secular del hombre, indispensables para la producción forrajera extensiva y el mantenimiento del paisaje rural europeo. En las áreas de montaña del Norte ibérico todavía pervive un manejo extensivo tradicional que combina el pastoreo durante otoño y primavera, con la siega en verano, mientras el ganado se desplaza a los ricos pastos de alta montaña. Sin embargo, sus superficies se están reduciendo drásticamente en esta área, debido principalmente a su conversión en pastizales, o simplemente su abandono y posterior transformación en bosques y zonas de matorral.
Análisis específicos llevados a cabo dentro del proyecto europeo Interreg SOS Praderas en varias zonas piloto de montaña del noroeste ibérico indican una reducción de las superficies en torno al 68% dentro del Parque Nacional de Picos de Europa, al 31 % en el LIC Río Ésera en el Pirineo aragonés y al 10% en los Parques Naturales portugueses de Alvão y Montesinho/Nogueira entre 1956 y 2017. Tales cambios en la superficie y distribución de estos sistemas reducen el suministro de ciertos servicios ecosistémicos estratégicos para nuestra sociedad y demandan atención para su conservación mediante métodos modernos de producción de sus semillas y recuperación de sus composiciones florísticas originales.
Uno de los aspectos más críticos y autentico cuello de botella en la conservación y recuperación de los prados de siega ibéricos es la disponibilidad de las semillas adecuadas para las siembras y el respeto de su composición florística y origen genético para cada área.
Las dificultades para la recolección y procesado de mezclas de semillas en cantidades y calidades adecuadas mediante la producción directa en los prados de siega, ha hecho necesario explorar otros métodos alternativos de producción de las especies para estas mezclas.
Entre estas alternativas, está la producción de las semillas mediante cultivo monoespecífico en campos agrícolas y la recolección masiva de biomasa de prados, para su posterior procesado y selección de las semillas.
Las semillas recolectadas en SOS PRADERAS, fueron conservadas en los BG de Portugal INIAV (BGVP) en la Estación Experimental de Oeiras (Portugal) y de Semillas Silvestres© en Córdoba. Una representación de estas especies han sido utilizadas para, bajo los términos del presente acuerdo con los responsables de ambas entidades, representar el inicio de la multiplicación de las especies más importantes de los prados de siega en el JBA.
Working group
TWG2 : Communication
Artigo no Jornal "Público"
Artigo no Jornal "Público"
Centre of Molecular and Environmental Biology
Teresa Carita
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Long title
Plantas silvestres nativas beneficiam vinha, mas oferta de sementes ainda é pobre.
- Seed mixes
- Value chains
- Other
Summary (500 words)
Artigo publicado no jornal diário "Público" - secção "Ambiente". Este artigo foi construido com base em entrevista realizada aos membros da equipa do Centro de Biologia Molecular e Ambiental - Departamento de Biologia da Universidade do Minho e dos conteúdos apresentados no evento realizado no âmbito do projeto fleurs locales a 23 de março de 2023.
Detailed content
Artigo_Pblico__Fleurs_locales.pdf (0.4MB) FloodCRM
Working group
TWG2 : Communication
Biodiversity in the vineyard - from plants to micro-organisms
Biodiversity in the vineyard - from plants to micro-organisms
Centre of Molecular and Environmental Biology
António Teixeira
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Long title
Biodiversity in the vineyard - from plants to micro-organisms
- Other
Summary (500 words)
Biodiversity - or biological diversity - is the term given to the variety of life on Earth. In a vineyard, biodiversity is the diversity of animals, plants, fungi and micro-organisms, whether at the genetic, species or ecosystem level. This diversity is necessary to sustain fundamental functions, structures and processes in this agro-ecosystem. Biodiversity is therefore a broad term that encompasses the diversity of agricultural and natural ecosystems.
The autochthonous or sown vegetation, when not limited by regional climatic conditions, contributes to the rational and sustainable maintenance of the vineyard, thanks to its capacity to attract beneficial organisms that feed on the parasitic species (thus reducing the need to resort to spraying). The ground covers also helps to improve the soil structure (and is then reused in the form of mulching), helping to reduce erosion and contributing to soil fertilisation.
Promoting biodiversity in agrosystems by using ground covers of native plant species through the use of seeds of native plant species will contribute to the increase of biodiversity in general and of natural predators of vine pests.
Microorganisms represent the main driving force in wine production and the diversity of the vine microbial community can strongly contribute to the uniqueness of the wines derived from each terroir, and the exaltation of distinct regional aromas can be achieved by performing spontaneous fermentations carried out exclusively by native microbiota.
The Interreg Sudoe "Fleurs locales" and "GrapeMicrobiota " projects study the use of mixtures of native species as cover crops between the vineyards and adopt an innovative strategy to characterise the microbial community of 3 vine varieties from the Douro DOC region.
Biodiversidade de ecossistemas agrícolas – dos microrganismos às plantas
The autochthonous or sown vegetation, when not limited by regional climatic conditions, contributes to the rational and sustainable maintenance of the vineyard, thanks to its capacity to attract beneficial organisms that feed on the parasitic species (thus reducing the need to resort to spraying). The ground covers also helps to improve the soil structure (and is then reused in the form of mulching), helping to reduce erosion and contributing to soil fertilisation.
Promoting biodiversity in agrosystems by using ground covers of native plant species through the use of seeds of native plant species will contribute to the increase of biodiversity in general and of natural predators of vine pests.
Microorganisms represent the main driving force in wine production and the diversity of the vine microbial community can strongly contribute to the uniqueness of the wines derived from each terroir, and the exaltation of distinct regional aromas can be achieved by performing spontaneous fermentations carried out exclusively by native microbiota.
The Interreg Sudoe "Fleurs locales" and "GrapeMicrobiota " projects study the use of mixtures of native species as cover crops between the vineyards and adopt an innovative strategy to characterise the microbial community of 3 vine varieties from the Douro DOC region.
Biodiversidade de ecossistemas agrícolas – dos microrganismos às plantas
Working group
TWG2 : Communication
Biodiversity restoration chains by native seeds, in vineyards, agrosystems and natural spaces in the Mediterranean
Biodiversity restoration chains by native seeds, in vineyards, agrosystems and natural spaces in the Mediterranean
Centre of Molecular and Environmental Biology
António Teixeira
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Long title
- Other
Summary (500 words)
Several studies indicate a sharp decline in biodiversity, accelerated by climate change. The Interreg Sudoe project "Fleurs locales" integrates 7 institutions in Portugal, Spain and France with the aim of promoting alternatives to the massive erosion curve of biodiversity in agrosystems, using plant covers of native species. The University of Minho, in collaboration with Sogrape, is studying the beneficial effect of 17 species of native plants sown between the alley rows of a Douro vineyard.
Working group
TWG2 : Communication
Compte rendu : journée bilan chantier de multiplication
Compte rendu : journée bilan chantier de multiplication
Hugo Juillard
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Long title
Compte rendu : journée bilan des chantier de multiplication de 26 espèces herbacées méditerranéennes
- Protocols
- Value chains
- Economic references
Summary (500 words)
Dans le cadre du projet SUDOE Fleurs Locales, 26 espèces d’herbacées de la région méditerranéenne sélectionnées par le CEN Occitanie ont été mises en culture par 7 agriculteurs situés entre le Gard et l’Hérault. Animés par FAB’LIM, ces essais expérimentaux visent à acquérir un certain nombre d’informations permettant, à terme, de maîtriser l’itinéraire technique de production d’un panel d'espèces d’intérêt écologique.
Au total 35.000 mini-mottes ont été fournies par Semence Nature et implantées sur 2.335 mètres carrés de parcelle, à l’occasion d’une première série de journées techniques organisées entre avril et février 2023. Au cours des mois de juin et juillet, deux journées ont été consacrées au suivi des étapes de floraison et de fructification afin d’accompagner les producteurs sur la récolte.
La journée bilan, qui fait l’objet de ce compte rendu, a été organisée le 7 novembre afin de tirer des conclusions des essais de multiplication et de permettre un retour d’expérience des participants.
La journée bilan, qui fait l’objet de ce compte rendu, a été organisée le 7 novembre afin de tirer des conclusions des essais de multiplication et de permettre un retour d’expérience des participants.
Working group
WG3 : Socio-economic
Fleurs locales - Restoration of biodiversity by seeds of native in vineyards, agrosystems and natural spaces in the Mediterranean
Fleurs locales - Restoration of biodiversity by seeds of native in vineyards, agrosystems and natural spaces in the Mediterranean
Centre of Molecular and Environmental Biology
António Teixeira
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Long title
Fleurs locales - Restoration of biodiversity by seeds of native in vineyards, agrosystems and natural spaces in the Mediterranean
- Other
Summary (500 words)
Vegetation covers can increase biodiversity in agroecosystems, where native plant cover potentially confers additional benefits for biodiversity. Studies has shown some beneficial effects of plant cover of native species in vineyards. We intend to define the most suitable species for the vineyards of the Douro region. Using native species mixtures in cover crops we will preserve and protect the environment and promote the efficient use of resources.
Detailed content
Fleurs locales project presentation to 60 high school secondary studants in the Fascination of Plants Day
Working group
TWG2 : Communication
Fleurs locales project presentation to the society
Fleurs locales project presentation to the society
Centre of Molecular and Environmental Biology
António Teixeira
Your article for the newsletter
Long title
Chains for the restoration of biodiversity by native seeds in vineyards, agrosystems and natural spaces in the Mediterranean - Interreg Sudoe "Fleurs locales"
- Other
Summary (500 words)
The Interreg Sudoe "Fleurs locales" project generates concrete responses to the massive erosion of biodiversity, accelerated by climate change: Our goal consists in adaptation of protocols for the restoration of Mediterranean environments and the construction of ecological restoration chains with all stakeholders (space managers, scientists, producers of seeds, communities, users, etc.,) gathered around "local biodiversity management contracts." Pilot territories are mobilized in the three countries of the SUDOE space. Based on common methods, each partner develops restoration chains to respond to specific local challenges (vineyards, olive groves, flowering meadows). The 7 project partners (scientists, managers and socio-economic actors) combine their skills to establish mixtures of native seeds and to structure restoration chains adapted to the diversity of the needs of the environments of the southwestern region of Europe. University of Minho/CBMA will work in close collaboration with the associated partner of the "Fleurs locales” project ADVID, and a vineyard enterprise from Douro DOC region. Particularly, we will evaluate the suitability of using mixtures of native species as cover crops in the vineyards alley rows.
Working group
TWG2 : Communication
Flowers to recover what is ours
Flowers to recover what is ours
Centre of Molecular and Environmental Biology
António Teixeira
Your article for the newsletter
- Other
Working group
WG2 : Scientific
How to include native seeds in agricultural environments without dying in the attempt
How to include native seeds in agricultural environments without dying in the attempt
Fundación Global Nature
Your article for the newsletter
- Awareness raising
- Land managers mobilization
- Seed mixes
- Value chains
Working group
TWG2 : Communication
Meeting workshop between producers and potential buyers
Meeting workshop between producers and potential buyers
Mélanie Laumain
Your article for the newsletter
- Value chains
Detailed content
In the Fleurs Locales project, it is essential, as part of the structuration of a value chain, that all of the identified stakeholders would meet, interact and share their needs, worries and expectations, in order to build future paths of collaborations.
In that idea, FAB'LIM and the CEN Occitanie, held, on the 3rd of February 2022, a two hours "first meeting workshop" between seed producers and potential buyers. Twenty people participated. The main objective was for all of the concerned parties to share and understand each other's constraint and needs and collaboratively reflect on solutions.
Two local seed producers were invited, as well as a public land planner from the Gard department, to testify about their experience. Through different practice and knowledge exchange times between the participants, new paths of improvment and work areas have emerged, as such as the necessity of integrating other stakeholders : consultants and landscapers.
The participants are now informed about the progress made in the project and sollicitated on different aspects of it.
You can find a synthesis on the link down below.
In that idea, FAB'LIM and the CEN Occitanie, held, on the 3rd of February 2022, a two hours "first meeting workshop" between seed producers and potential buyers. Twenty people participated. The main objective was for all of the concerned parties to share and understand each other's constraint and needs and collaboratively reflect on solutions.
Two local seed producers were invited, as well as a public land planner from the Gard department, to testify about their experience. Through different practice and knowledge exchange times between the participants, new paths of improvment and work areas have emerged, as such as the necessity of integrating other stakeholders : consultants and landscapers.
The participants are now informed about the progress made in the project and sollicitated on different aspects of it.
You can find a synthesis on the link down below.
Working group
WG3 : Socio-economic
natrium pentobarbital
natrium pentobarbital
Fundación Global Nature
Emma Garate
Your article for the newsletter
- Awareness raising
Summary (500 words)
Pentobarbital Kaufen Ohne Rezept - Natrium Pentobarbital
Pentobarbital Kaufen Ohne Rezept - Natrium Pentobarbital
Working group
WG2 : Scientific
Navigating Excellence: A Guide to Top Selenium Automation and QA Consulting Companies
Presentation of the French market study's results
Presentation of the French market study's results
Emma Garate
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Long title
Webinar for the presentation of the French market study's results the 4th of november 2021
- Value chains
Detailed content
On November 4 2021, FAB'LIM organized a webinar for the restitution of the results of the analysis of the needs in native seeds launched the previous summer. Among the guests were:
• Persons interviewed during the surveys (motorway or rail planner, watershed manager, ecological compensation operators, agricultural groups, etc.)
• Restoration industry professionals potentially interested (farmers, nurserymen, seed companies, etc.)
• French partners of the project (the Conservatoire d'espaces naturels).
The service providers hired to conduct market studies (Pôle Transition, TriesseGressard ) were able to share the practices, constraints and interests identified by users during their surveys. After discussing the results and possible levers with the participants, they shared their personal experience in terms of ecological restoration.
Then, the participants were able to express their interest to participate in the renaturation experiments that will be set up in Occitania in autumn 2022 as well as the skills or means that they could invest in the project. Finally, we were able to discuss the levers that could be activated in the context of public procurement to enable interested public and private developers to get involved in the experiments (pilot renaturation sites) or to support the experiments.
You can find a synthesys linked down below.
• Persons interviewed during the surveys (motorway or rail planner, watershed manager, ecological compensation operators, agricultural groups, etc.)
• Restoration industry professionals potentially interested (farmers, nurserymen, seed companies, etc.)
• French partners of the project (the Conservatoire d'espaces naturels).
The service providers hired to conduct market studies (Pôle Transition, TriesseGressard ) were able to share the practices, constraints and interests identified by users during their surveys. After discussing the results and possible levers with the participants, they shared their personal experience in terms of ecological restoration.
Then, the participants were able to express their interest to participate in the renaturation experiments that will be set up in Occitania in autumn 2022 as well as the skills or means that they could invest in the project. Finally, we were able to discuss the levers that could be activated in the context of public procurement to enable interested public and private developers to get involved in the experiments (pilot renaturation sites) or to support the experiments.
You can find a synthesys linked down below.
Working group
WG3 : Socio-economic
Support for 2 territories in Occitanie
Support for 2 territories in Occitanie
CEN Occitanie
Anne-Laure Bancel
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Long title
CEN Occitanie is supporting the Gard Department and the comune of Montbazin to define their own renaturation stratégies.
- Awareness raising
- Land managers mobilization
Summary (500 words)
The CEN Occitanie have to support 3 pilot territories in the definition of a renaturation strategy based on indigenous seeds.
The goal is to perpetuate the mobilization of the actors of the Occitanie Region, by offering them time for organizational, scientific and operational engineering.
Through the accompaniment of these pilot territories, the CEN wishes to collect data on the brakes and levels of the definition of this strategy, Evolve the local plant distribution system
Supporting the development of the skills of territorial agents the stages of the implementation of an action plan, the resource persons to contact... This feedback will be used to define educational tools that will allow interested organizations to set up their own renaturation strategy.Raise
The goal is to perpetuate the mobilization of the actors of the Occitanie Region, by offering them time for organizational, scientific and operational engineering.
Through the accompaniment of these pilot territories, the CEN wishes to collect data on the brakes and levels of the definition of this strategy, Evolve the local plant distribution system
Supporting the development of the skills of territorial agents the stages of the implementation of an action plan, the resource persons to contact... This feedback will be used to define educational tools that will allow interested organizations to set up their own renaturation strategy.Raise
Detailed content
The Gard Departement and the collectivity of Montbazin are our first pilotes territories.
We have worked with the Gard Departement since june 2022. After discussing the content of the suppprt convention, we defined operationnal objectives important on the territory :
- Raise awareness among elected officials and change public markets in favor of native seeds.
- Raise awareness among the general public
- Evolve the local plant distribution system
- Supporting the development of the skills of territorial agents
The collectivity of Montbazin is engaged with the CEN Occitanie since june 2022. The main objectives defined with the collectivity are the following :
- Restaure an area of the collectivity ( Emblem of the town) with native seeds.
- Raise awarenesse among the general public and communicate about the commitment of Montbazin for biodiversity.
- Supporting the development of the skills of territorial agents, for a better management of green spaces.
- Provide lists of local species for communal facilities.
We have worked with the Gard Departement since june 2022. After discussing the content of the suppprt convention, we defined operationnal objectives important on the territory :
- Raise awareness among elected officials and change public markets in favor of native seeds.
- Raise awareness among the general public
- Evolve the local plant distribution system
- Supporting the development of the skills of territorial agents
The collectivity of Montbazin is engaged with the CEN Occitanie since june 2022. The main objectives defined with the collectivity are the following :
- Restaure an area of the collectivity ( Emblem of the town) with native seeds.
- Raise awarenesse among the general public and communicate about the commitment of Montbazin for biodiversity.
- Supporting the development of the skills of territorial agents, for a better management of green spaces.
- Provide lists of local species for communal facilities.
Working group
WG4 : Socio-territorial
Technical and economic data collection results
Technical and economic data collection results
Mélanie Laumain
Your article for the newsletter
- Economic references
Summary (500 words)
In July 2022, the tecnical and economical study supervised by FAB'LIM ended.
The mains objectives were categorizing et selecting a pool of herbaceous species, as well as identifying different modes of seed multiplication and the costs of production for all the value chain links, in order to start cultivating at fall 2022.
This study was conducted through a large range of qualitative interviews with field experts.
A list of twenty-six interesting herbaceous species was categorize within four levels of production complexity, according to multiple criterias, such as :
- facility of harvesting in natural habitat,
- facility of sorting and cleaning,
- possibility of mechanization (for seeding and/or harvesting),
- the capacity of germination,
- the productivity.
The mains objectives were categorizing et selecting a pool of herbaceous species, as well as identifying different modes of seed multiplication and the costs of production for all the value chain links, in order to start cultivating at fall 2022.
This study was conducted through a large range of qualitative interviews with field experts.
A list of twenty-six interesting herbaceous species was categorize within four levels of production complexity, according to multiple criterias, such as :
- facility of harvesting in natural habitat,
- facility of sorting and cleaning,
- possibility of mechanization (for seeding and/or harvesting),
- the capacity of germination,
- the productivity.
Detailed content
Working group
WG3 : Socio-economic