
Visita a empresa Grupo SAMCA

Organizing entity or co-organizing entities
  • Semillas Silvestres
Start date 07.06.2022
End date 08.06.2022
  • Face to face
Type of event Other
Description On June 7 and 8, Cándido Gálvez traveled to Salamanca, where the company "Grupo SAMCA" is doing restoration work at the Grupo Minero Feli mine, to see first-hand the restoration model they are implementing.
Speakers Cándido Gálvez


For which working group was the event organized ? WG2 : Scientific
In which theme does the event belong ?
  • Protocols
  • Land managers mobilization
  • Seed mixes
  • Value chains
  • Economic references
Is this content confidential or can we share it on the newsletter and the website ? Public