Organization CEN Occitanie

Vigne de Cocagne

Type of ecosystem Vineyard
Working group WG 2: Scientific
Location Domaine de Mirabeau
Site manager  Jean-Charles THIBAUT
Purpose of the experimentation The purpose was to test the behavior of several seed mixes in a vineyard.

The goals of restauration were to :
- Increase vegetation cover especially of annual Fabaceae ;
- Increase biodiversity especially density of auxiliary organisms ;
- Increase frequency and duration of attractive flowers ;
- Reduce erosion ;
- Improve soil structure.
List of species sown Asphodelus fistulosus
Astragalus hamosus
Bituminaria bituminosa
Blackstonia perfoliata
Brachypodium distachyon
Brachypodium phoenicoides
Bromus lanceolatus
Centaurium tenuiflorum
Crepis zacintha
Dactylis glomerata hispanica
Dorycnium herbaceum
Gaudinia fragilis
Lathyrus hirsutus
Lathyrus ochrus
Linum usitatissimum ssp. angustifolium
Lolium rigidum
Lotus glaber
Lotus herbaceus
Lotus maritimus
Medicago arabica
Medicago ciliaris
Medicago lupulina
Medicago minima
Medicago orbicularis
Medicago polymorpha
Medicago praecox
Medicago rigidula
Medicago rigidula
Medicago scutellata
Onobrychis caput-galli
Phalaris brachystachys
Salvia verbenaca
Scorpiurus subvillosus
Taraxacum obovatum
Trifolium angustifolium
Trifolium campestre
Trifolium incarnatum molinerii
Trifolium squamosum
Trifolium stellatum
Trifolium tomentosum
Trigonella elegans
Trigonella sicula
Trigonella smallii (= Melilotus indicus)
Verbascum boerhavii
Vicia lutea
Vicia sativa nigra
Vicia serratifolia
Vicia villosa
Xeranthemum cylindraceum
Protocol The experimental site consists of 16 10m2 plots between 4 rows of vine. Each of them is 1m large for 10m long.

Surface tillage, with a scrubbing of the vegetation and passage of a toothed cultivar to 15 cm depth without turning the horizons, just to prepare the seed bed.
The semix was done on the fly, in 2 passes. A first passage with the smallest seeds mixed with a substrate to homogenize (sawdust), a second with the largest seeds. The soil was raked (for hoe mixing) and a roller was passed to compress the soil.
Free description (facultative) Monitoring
Indicators wanted
- List of species that were successfully installed (with reproductive success : new seeds produced on the site)
- Percentage of target community developed after one/two years
- Presence of related fauna (pollinators, spiders, orthoptera...)
Corresponding protocol or methods
- phytosociological survey on each plot : list of all species developed in the plot, with cover index for each of them ; in addition, cover index for vegetation (all species) / bare soil / litter for each plot. Minimum three surveys /year for each plot.
- protocol for related faune to be defined : probably an exhaustive assessment 3 times/year.